Dalder.lv continues to grow

Some time has already passed since we last published the statistics and news of our platform.

Statistics of the portal as of today:

  • 385135 unique hits;
  • 4990 registered users;
  • 27000 posted advertisements/classifieds;
  • More than 350 CVs posted.


We have added registration possibilities by adding Facebook, Google and LinkedIn to the one we already have from before, namely – registration by means of eParaksts.lv.

Using one of the social network profiles, the user can quickly and easily create a profile, but in order to post ads you will need to verify the phone number.

Developing the homepage of the portal, we have added the latest ad block, where you can see the most recently posted ads.

With the onset of the cold and humid weather of the year, many of our users should definitely take care of the warmth in their homes, so please take a look at the sections Wood pellets (https://www.dalder.lv/briquettes) and Granulated wood pellets (https://www.dalder.lv/wood-pellets). If the home boiler has already deteriorated past its prime, here one can get acquainted with the offers of various boilers and immediately replace it (https://www.dalder.lv/boilers-tehnic).

New users have actively started posting ads in categories Real estate, Passenger cars and Vacancies.

As already previously reported, we have one of the largest Facebook groups, but now 3 more groups have joined it. Our Ad Network has over 339,000 followers.

We have divided 4 groups, each dedicated to its own theme:

Dalder.lv Аuto – Moto/Авто – Мото (https://www.facebook.com/groups/760663984032535) – for car and motorbike related goods;
Dalder.lv Goods/Товары (https://www.facebook.com/groups/524734770976979) – for goods and real estate;
Dalder.lv Services/Услуги (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1637238429856643)  – for services;
Dalder.lv Employment/Работа (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1486517774990925) - for job vacancies and job seekers, incl. abroad.

In addition to Facebook groups, we have also started to actively advertise on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, where competitions take place and you can get the latest info on how to promote your product or service on the Internet.

Patīkami redzēt, ka šis portāls turpina attīstīties un cīnīties par savu vietu zem saules. Ceru, ka cilvēki vēl vairāk sāks lietot šo platformu, lai pirktu un pārdotu savas preces.
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Sakiet lūdzu kā var savu uzrakstīto cv dabūt no latviešu uz angļu valodu?
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Tik ērti kā ar dalder.lv meklēt sev aktuālo, nevar nevienā citā portālā! Un ja vairāk cilvēku to zinātu, noteikti nevienu citu platformu vairs nemaz negribētu izmantot!
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Kredīts piešķirts mazāk kā 12 stundu laikā Attieciba uz ipašu aizdevumu pieprasijumu. Kadas darbibas attistibas realizacija, projekta un citos macibu priekšmetos. Es piedavaju manu aizdevumu starp ipaši nopietniem un godigi dotacija visas personai, kam nepieciešama aizdevuma iet 1000€ lidz 50,000,000€ pakalpojumu. Es esmu pieejams aizdevums 12 stundu laika. Gaida jusu lugumu. valdarudzite3@inbox.lv ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Кредит выдан менее чем за 12 часов Отношение к запросу личного кредита. Осуществление разработки работ, проектов и других стипендиальных тем. Я предлагаю свой кредит среди особо серьезных и честных грантов всем людям, которым нужен кредит от 1000 до 50 000 000 евро. Я доступен для кредита на 12 часов. Жду вашей игры. valdarudzite3@inbox.lv ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loan granted in less than 12 hours Relation to personal loan request. Realization of the development of the work, in the project and other scholarship subjects. I offer my loan among particularly serious and honest grants to all people who need a loan from 1,000€ to 50,000,000€. I am available for a loan of 12 hours. Waiting for your play. valdarudzite3@inbox.lv Dzēst atsauksmi
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