For your attention we provide the latest platform statistics and news.
Portal current statistics (along with a comparison to February, 2019):
Compared to the year before, we have increased the number of users more than twice and the number of advertisements has increased by 12 thousand.
We are actively working on the development of the largest sections and currently more than 4,660 advertisements have been placed in the Real estate category, which makes our database one of the largest in Latvia. The majority of these advertisements consist of offers from the following agencies: Starlex, Tribus, City Real Estate, Dream International, Prime Reality and Imperio.
Agencies Tribus, City Real Estate and Starlex have built XML import systems for our platform and automatically post ads in sections such as Apartments for Sale, Apartments for Rent, Houses for sale, Houses for rent, Land Estate for Sale. These agencies will soon be followed by others like Meraka, Trusted, Rent in Riga, Latio and Prime Reality.
Notwithstanding the Covid pandemic, when the warm season of the year approaches, people want to spend more time in nature or in their backyard garden. The widest offer of portable saunas and hot tubs in Latvia, which has probably grown due to the collapse of the tourism industry during the pandemic, can be very useful for such parties.
As the new heating season approaches, a very large influx of people can be observed in such categories as heating briquettes, pellets and split firewood.
We expect a large influx of ads and an increase in the number of views in categories such as costume jewelry, jewelry, beauty services, garden products, motorcycles and many others.
There is a constant high demand in the second-hand car market, as a result of which our passenger car category has also grown and reached the mark of 1781 placed car ads.
We previously reported that we have 4 groups in our Facebook group network, but now 1 more furniture group has joined Furniture / Мебель - Our ad network already has more than 399 thousand members.